GN1000bp DNA Ladder



Option name 1

Brand : Servicebio


Product Information

Product Name

Cat. No.


GN1000bp DNA Ladder


500 μL


5×500 μL

Product Description/Introduction

The GN1000bp DNA Ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of wide range double-strand DNA on agarose gels. The ladder is composed of twelve purified individual DNA fragments (in base pairs): 10000, 8000, 6000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1500, 1000, 800, 500 and 300. It contains two reference bands (2000 and 800 bp) for easy orientation, with concentration of 100ng/5μL. The other bands has the approximate concentration of 50ng/5μL.

The DNA marker is ready to use-it is premixed with 6×DNA loading buffer for direct loading on gel.

Storage and Shipping Conditions

Ship with wet ice; store at 4, valid for 12 months.

Assay Protocol / Procedures

Mix gently, and then load 1 μL per 1 mm gel lane.


1. Do not heat before loading. Avoid freeze - thaw cycles.

2. For your safty and health, please wear safety glasses, gloves, or protective clothing.

GN1000bp DNA Ladder


0.8 % TAE agarose gel stained with EB(loading with 5 μL DNA marker)

For Research Use Only!

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