MicroFast® Listeria Rapid Test Cassette, 50Tests


SKU : LR20801


MicroFast® Listeria Rapid Test Cassette

Package: 50T/box

Interpretation of the Results

A color line always appears in the upper section of the test strip to indicate that the test strip is working properly. This line is the Control Line (C). A line in the lower section of the test strip indicates the test results. This line is the Test Line (T).

Positive Sample (-): 2 lines are visible. (Please see image above).

Negative Sample (+): Only control line (C) is visible.

Invalid results: If the control line is not visible, the test is invalid, and the sample should be re-tested using a valid test strip.



  1. If the kit was stored in the refrigerator, please don’t use it before the kit recover to room temperature (above 15 ºC).
  2. Long time stored enriched sample may affect the test result, please use this kit to test fresh enriched sample.
  3. Please handle the waste properly after the sterilization of the used cassette.
  4. This product is a single-use product, please do not reuse.
  5. The humidity of the test environment should be less than 60%.


Storage and Shelf Life

  1. Storage: Store at room temperature (4-30ºC). Avoid heat, pyrogen, and corrosive gas. DO NOT FREEZE!
  2. Shelf life: 12 months.
  3. Production date, expiration date and lot number please refer to the label on the out package.

Note: The pictures shown are sample product pictures.

For the actual product, please check Provided Materials and Reagent or consult the sales manager.



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