IAC for Ractopamine, Hormones, 500ng


SKU : QC0243


Immunoaffinity Column for Ractopamine

The immunoaffinity column can selectively adsorb ractopamine from the sample solution, thereby purifying the sample, and the samples that have be purified after passing through the column can be used in LC-MS (LC-MS/MS) analysis.

Affinity columns can be used in combination with LC-MS (LC- MS/MS) to achieve rapid testing, and to increase signal-to-noise ratio and improve the accuracy of the detection method.


1. Overview:

Ractopamine is a Beta-adrenergic receptor agonist that can promote animal growth and increase lean yield. However, long-term or one-time excessive intake of the human body will seriously harm human health, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even induce malignant tumors.

2. Principle:

The basis of the measurement is the antigen-antibody reaction. Antibodies are connected to the column and the ractopamine in the sample is extracted, filtered, and diluted, and then passed slowly through the aflatoxin immunoaffinity column. The ractopamine bind to the antibodies in the column and the immunoaffinity column is then washed to remove other unrelated substances that have not been bound. Ractopamine is then eluted with methanol and injected into an analytical instrument for detection.

3. Components of the kit:

Each kit contains ractopamine immunoaffinity columns and 1 instruction manual.

4. Necessary items not provided in the box:

4.1 Equipment

  • Nitrogen gas evaporatorapparatus
  • Nitrogen gas tank and pressureregulator
  • Air-pressure controllerbracket
  • Airpump
  • Balance with 0.01greadability
  • High-speed freezing centrifuge (can be set to 4°C, 8,000rpm)
  • Centrifugetube:50-mL
  • Constanttemperature incubator or water bath (can be set to 35–37℃)
  • High-speed homogenizer (maximum speed> 10,000 r/ min) or shaker
  • Grinder
  • pH meter (or pH testpaper)
  • Volumetric flask: 100 mL/50mL
  • Syringe: 10 mL/20mL
  • Homogenization flask (or 250-mL conical flask withpestle)
  • Vials andtubes
  • Pipette: 1 mL and pipettetips
  • Column holder and syringe connector plug (for use with immunoaffinity columns)


4.2 Reagents

  • Methanol (CH3OH): AnalyticalGrade
  • Acetonitrile (CH3CN): ChromatographyGrade
  • Sodium hydroxide (NaOH): AnalyticalGrade
  • Potassium chloride (KCl): Analytical Grade
  • Formic acid (HCOOH): ChromatographyGrade
  • Ammonium acetate (CH₃COONH₄): AnalyticalGrade
  • Acetic Acid (CH3COOH): AnalyticalGrade
  • n-hexane: AnalyticalGrade
  • β-glucuronidase/aryl sulfatase
  • Ractopamine isotope internalstandard
  • Distilled or deionizedwater


5. Interpretation of results:

  • C—The concentration of analyst in the standardsolution,ng/mL.
  • Ci–The concentration of internal standard in the sample,ng/mL.
  • A—The peak area of analyst in the
  • Asi-The peak area of the internal standard in the standard
  • V—The sample Constant volume (before LC-MS/MS analysis),
  • Csi-The concentration of internal standard in the standard solution, ng/mL.
  • Ai—The peak area of the internal standard in the
  • As–The peak area of the analyst in thestandard solution.
  • m—Sample weight,



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