
Presto™ gDNA Bacteria Advanced Kit



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DNA Extraction/Genomic DNA PurificationThe Presto™ gDNA Bacteria Advanced Kit is designed for rapid isolation of genomic DNA from cultured Gram (+) positive and Gram (-) negative bacteria. After directly adding into pre-filled beadbeating tubes containing zirconia/ceramic beads and lysis buffer, bacterial cells are efficiently lysed using a standard vortex or bead beating instrument. Enzymatic digestion with Lysozyme and Proteinase K is not required. The cell lysate is then mixed with a binding buffer, followed by bind, wash and elute using a spin column designed specifically for bacteria DNA extraction. DNA phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation is not required and the entire procedure can be completed within 30 minutes. The purified genomic DNA is ready for use in PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and sequencing reactions.

Specifications (Cat. # GBBA100, GBBA300)

  • Purify genomic DNA within 30 minutes!
  • High Yield: up to 40 μg (1 x 109 Escherichia coli) and 15 µg (1 x 109 Bacillus subtilis)
  • High Purity gDNA: A260/A280 >1.9
  • DNA Size: 20-40 kb
  • Samples: Gram (+) Positive and Gram (-) Negative bacterial cells (up to 1 x 109), 200 µl of blood and biological fluids such as plasma and urine
  • Convenient: includes bead beating tubes (pre-filled with zirconia/ceramic beads) for efficient cell lysis without the use of enzymes such as Lysozyme or Proteinase K
  • Spin Columns: glass fiber membrane optimized for genomic DNA extraction (sterilised to remove bacteria contamination)
  • Elution volume: 30-200 µl
  • Storage: dry at room temperature (15-25°C)

PCR, Restriction Endonuclease Digestions, Array, Southern Blots and various other enzymatic reactions


  • GT Buffer
  • PR Buffer
  • GB Buffer
  • W1 Buffer
  • Wash Buffer
  • Elution Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.5 at 25°C)
  • RNase A (50 mg/ml)
  • Beadbeating Tubes Type A
  • GD Columns
  • 2 ml Collection Tubes

The quality of the Presto™ gDNA Bacteria Advanced Kit is tested on a lot-to-lot basis according to Geneaid's ISO-certified quality management system. The purified genomic DNA from Escherichia coli cells (up to 1 x 109), (up to 40 µg with an A260/A280 ratio of >2.0) is quantified with a spectrophotometer and analyzed by electrophoresis.


Presto™ gDNA Bacteria Advanced Kit

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