
SKU : pro-2014

Recombinant Human BRCA2 And CDKN1A Interacting Protein

Categories : Prospec


BRCA2 and CDKN1A-interacting protein, P21- and CDK-associated protein 1, Protein TOK-1, BCCIP, TOK1, BRCA2 and CDKN1A-interacting protein.

BRCA2 And CDKN1A Interacting Protein (BCCIP) is a nuclear protein with multiple interacting domains which remained conserved throughout the evolution. BCCIP is an important cofactor for BRCA2 in tumor suppression, and a modulator of CDK2 kinase activity via p21. BCCIP takes also part in the regulation of BRCA2 and RAD51 nuclear focus formation, doublestrand break-induced homologous recombination, and cell cycle progression.

BCCIP Human Recombinant produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 339 amino acids (1-314 a.a.) and having a molecular mass of 38.6kDa.
BCCIP is fused to a 25 amino acid His-tag at N-terminus & purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.


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