GN100bp DNA Ladder I



Option name 1

Brand : Servicebio


 Product Information

Product Name

Cat. No.


GN100bp DNA Ladder I


500 μL


5×500 μL

Product Description/Introduction

The GN100bp DNA Ladder I consists of six linear double-stranded DNA (containing 50 bp, 100 bp, 200 bp, 300 bp, 400 bp, and 500 bp) bands, which have been mixed with 1× DNA Loading Buffer containing a blue indicator dye, and is suitable for the analysis of DNA bands in agarose gel electrophoresis. This product is ready-to-use, according to the experimental needs, take 5-10 μL for electrophoresis, easy to use, clear electrophoresis bands, easy to accurately determine the content of the target product DNA. The 500 bp band in GN100bp DNA Ladder I has a DNA concentration of 100 ng/5 μL and shows a bright band; the remaining bands have a DNA concentration of 50 ng/5 μL.

Storage and Shipping Conditions

Ship with wet ice; Store at -20, valid for 24 months.

Product Contents




GN100bp DNA Ladder I

500 μL

5×500 μL

10 x DNA Loading Buffer (Peach)

1 mL

1 mL


One copy

Assay Protocol / Procedures

1. After thorough thawing and mixing, take 5 μL of the product and add it to the sampling wells of the agarose gel (the volume of the sample volume is proportional to the width of the wells: 1 μL: 1 mm, if the sampling wells are wider, the volume of the sample volume can be increased appropriately), and then carry out electrophoresis.

2. Recommended electrophoretic conditions are 2% agarose (G5056 recommended) gel at 4-10 V/cm.

3. Stain by EB or other nucleic acid dyes (G3606 recommended) and observe the electrophoretic bands under a UV lamp or gel imager.


1. When using, thaw and mix thoroughly, thaw and store at 4, avoid freeze - thaw cycles.

2. Recommended electrophoresis buffer: TAE/TBE (recommended G3001, G3002); change the electrophoresis buffer and use freshly prepared agarose gel in time to avoid affecting the electrophoresis results.

3. For your safty and health,please wear safety glasses, gloves, or protective clothing.

GN100bp DNA Ladder I


2 % TAE agarose gel stained with EB(loading with 5 μL DNA marker)


For Research Use Only!

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